Cannot redeclare true_plugins_activate() (previously declared in

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare true_plugins_activate() (previously declared in wordpress
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare true_plugins_activate() (previously declared in WordPress

How Can I solve this problem in my wordpress site Fatal error: Cannot redeclare

true_plugins_activate() (previously declared in

How to Fix This error?

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare true_plugins_activate() (previously declared in /home/labaikis/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php:7614) in /home/labaikis/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 7671

Step- Go to wp-include —> Open Function.php file and remove true_plugins_activate() function. after that your site will be live.

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I finally fix this error by replacing all the code of the functions.php file, for the code of the same file that I got worked well in another wp installation!

so if you can, take the code of one other wp installation and replace it.
Please, make sure that you’ve made a backup before changing it.

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